• Our team is made out of professionals looking to create a project of passion. Although low budget indie projects may have a reputation of lower quality, ours will bring to the screen an image, sound and acting that easily competes with high budget movies. WE KNOW WHAT WE ARE DOING.

  • The topic of the movie is thought provoking all the while being explored in a very realistic way. Meaning : people will relate and identify. Connecting to characters is the main reason why people love movies and find compassion towards the story. The industry is craving for cinema that pushes critical thinking and touches subjects that not a lot of filmmakers allow themselves to explore. WE DO THAT.

  • It portrays strong lead female characters and is written and directed by a woman. There is a blooming in female directors in the past few years. We finally get to see stories through women’s perspective. There are many festivals and competitions dedicated to women driven movies. THIS IS AN ANGLE WE INTEND TO USE.

  • Because making profits benefits ALL of us, we will do absolutely everything in our power to get the movie out there. A feature movie is a very ambitious project that necessitates an incredible amount of energy and dedication. Professional filmmakers would not accept to do a low budget movie unless they have faith in the power of its message and want freedom to create something they are very proud of. WE ARE DEDICATED AND WE BELIEVE IN THIS MOVIE.