Production: Les Simones
Title: The Making Of Me
Pages: 107
Format: 2:35:1
Director: Rachel Michetti
Director of Photography: Latif Ullah
Days of Shoot: 19
Dates of Shoot: May 2021
Location: Vancouver


Sunday is an escort with an abusive past. She has so far, managed to navigate through life with her self destructive behaviors and a self sufficient mentality.

We follow her journey from being lost and confused to building a new foundation for herself, by herself. She makes new choices and finds friends that are a positive influence for her. As she builds self belief and self love, she finally puts into action her plan to be the better version of herself.

Although this obviously comes with obstacles, her desire to be happy is too strong for her to resign in mediocrity.

Sunday will finally take her responsibilities as a mother and create a new life where she accepts and embraces who she is. A life where she uses all the bad and all the good that made up her story and uses it to “make herself” the way she knows she can be.

Rachel Michetti

Lead Actor, Writer, Director

Elliot Wesley

Lead Actor

Mishal Erikson


Kennedy Sloane


Laurel Bailey


Veronica Cormier


Jessi Major


Grant Vlahovic


Ryan Cowie


Artistic Vision

The visual and feel of this movie will be extremely naturalistic, in the acting as well as camera wise. A lot of lighting sources will be taken from what me and you use in an actual house or what lights us up when outside in the street. The artificial lighting will be carefully used to enhance the natural of a scene. Shadows will be used as well as silhouettes, creating mood, melancholy and mystery. The palette surrounds warm colors making a few exceptions where a greenish colder vibe can accentuate the trashier scenes. The almost entirety of the movie will be handheld camera shot, creating a “being here” feel for the audience. The watcher will be as if a fly on the wall, enhancing the emotional attachment to the story and characters for her. Making it easy for her to identify and relate. Focus will be on faces, emotions and reactions. Close ups and mid-action transitions will be used to add edginess as well as carrying a good rhythm to the movie. To say in the simplest, this movie will be: aesthetic, intimate and raw.

I will quote one of the script’s line, which I think summarizes the telling of the movie: “Some of us were loved well, some of us were loved and some of us were left to ourselves.” 
We live in a society where we judge and despise others instead of trying to understand where they come from. A lot of us are lost in insecurities, negative self belief and plain bold self hatred. With bad foundation, lack of support and a neglected childhood, it is really hard for someone to make good decisions and thrive in life. On top of that, we tend to segregate the “bad apples” of society from the “good ones”. We are annoyed by the crazy, the addict, the sex worker. We accuse them of lacking will power and of selfishness. That is a great misunderstanding of psychology and the influence nurturing has on a person, on a child, on a baby.
“The Making of Me” humanizes the person behind the sex worker or the addict. In that way, The characters are very relatable to most of us. Just because we are not prostitutes does not mean we haven't had our fair share of disrespectful situations and/or sexual interactions. Feelings of owing something to one who doesn’t give. Giving to someone who just takes. Being stuck in toxic relationships because we don’t feel we deserve better. We can all identify to these and this is where the power of this story resides.

This movie explores what I believe is only ignorance. It portraits everyone as the same, but with different resources. It encourages patience and open mindedness towards the less lucky ones. People are not mean or mal intentioned for the fun of it. They are hurting and trying to survive, like we all are at different levels.
Mostly, “The Making of Me” talks about hope. About that light that we all have inside but that’s not easily felt by some. That desire to be better, for yourself and for others and that in the right circumstances and with the right people, change can happen. Truth is, fundamentally, we all need the same things: the need to be loved, safe and supported.


25-30, an escort struggling with self destructive behaviors. She is navigate life to the best she can considering her abusive past. She doesn’t like to talk to much. She dislike attention and doesn’t open up to anyone really. She is looking for something better out of life.


20-30, very witty and spunky, bears both an old soul and a youth to her language and energy. She approaches life with an intelligent understanding and cares a great deal once she’s chosen you for a friend.


25-35, an old soul, hipster and witty. Very calm personality. His rough past brought him to be a very understanding and open minded guy. He falls in love with Sunday.


40-50, a veteran sex worker. She is sort of a mother to her younger colleagues\friends. She is very wise and compassionate but also direct, bold and strong. She won’t take shit from anyone.


20-35, A sweet sweet girl inside but a rebel on the outside. A broken soul who’s survival mode allows her to keep laughing and not take anything seriously.


55-65, lead character’s mother. A big heart and a hurt soul. She is completely erratic and spastic in her energy, due to drug, alcohol and all that jazz abuse. She is loud and funky, jumping from one mood to another easily. She is a good person who just doesn’t know how to love herself and care for others.


55-65, Extravagant and artistic woman who dresses too much and wears cheap perfume. Someone you love being around. Her boldness and freedom of expression can be over the top but obviously, she doesn’t care what others think.


14, very witty and mature teen. She acts older than her age and is very sensitive. She is Sunday’s daughter although she believes she is Sunday’s sister most of the movie. She became the parent of the parent so to speak.


40-50, an asshole who completely lacks empathy. His understanding of the world revolves around himself and truly, he just doesn’t know love or friendship. He cares for himself only. He is disconnected from reality and is what you would call a narcissist.


45-55, married guy who sees prostitutes because he stays in a failed marriage. Not a bad guy, not a smart guy. He is actually sweet to the girls he sees.


35-40, a real capitalist dick. He loves power and control. He is entitled and does not care about what anyone around him feel. He’s one of those who would betray anyone to get his way.


35-45, A man of few words. A bar friend of Sunday. He’s one of the good men figure in this story. Not the smartest, not the most ambitious but at least he cares.

Here are a few happy stories of movie that did big with little.

Keep in mind that by the time we are done running the movie in festivals and finding distribution, it can be from one year to three years before you make profit. In many cases, you will keep receiving profits years after that depending on the distribution and sales agreements.
Success stories image
This is by far the most IMPORTANT section for YOU to understand how your investment can recoup. What we are doing to get the movie SEEN and BOUGHT is explained in this section.

Once the movie is ready to be screened, our team will submit it to relevant festivals following a strategy that goes from high end festivals to lower end ones.
High end festivals also called Type A festivals require exclusivity, offers incredible visibility and will almost unequivocally lead to distribution if prices are won. If no prizes are acquired, to be screened at such a festivals is still a huge asset in acknowledging quality and interest of the movie which eases our search for a sales agent or distributor.

If the TYPE A festival run fails, we will turn to all other festivals, a lot of them still being reputable enough to give us visibility, credibility and ease in our finding of a sales agent or distributor.

*A list of all festival submissions will be sent to you if requested.

While the movie is going to festivals as well as afterwards, we will dedicate our time in finding a distributor or sales agent in order to sell the movie for either Theater release, DVD release or web release. Again, the idea is to find relevant distributors or agents that represent movies similar to our repertoire who's contacts will consequently be best suited for our movie.

*A list of all Distributor / sales agent submission will be sent to you if requested.


As follow: 100% of the profit will be given to INVESTORS until everyone recoup 125% of their investment, according to the appropriate ratio between all investors. Following this, the percentages stated below will be the guideline for distributing profits indefinitely, split in ratio according to the amount invested or the agreement between the production and the investor. 45% INVESTORS 55% CAST & CREW EQUITY AND DEFERRED PAYMENTS 1 000$ stake = 1% profit share 5 000$ - 10 000$ stake = 1.5 % per 1 000$ profit share plus Executive producer title 10 000$ and above stake = 2 % per 1 000$ profit share plus Executive Producer Title In the film industry, the average return on investment after distribution goes between 35% to 85%. Discussions and negotiations on the terms of your investment are welcome. Our priority is that you are happy with our agreement and feel that it is to your advantage to be part of this project.

  • Our team is made out of professionals looking to create a project of passion. Although low budget indie projects may have a reputation of lower quality, ours will bring to the screen an image, sound and acting that easily competes with high budget movies. WE KNOW WHAT WE ARE DOING.

  • The topic of the movie is thought provoking all the while being explored in a very realistic way. Meaning : people will relate and identify. Connecting to characters is the main reason why people love movies and find compassion towards the story. The industry is craving for cinema that pushes critical thinking and touches subjects that not a lot of filmmakers allow themselves to explore. WE DO THAT.

  • It portrays strong lead female characters and is written and directed by a woman. There is a blooming in female directors in the past few years. We finally get to see stories through women’s perspective. There are many festivals and competitions dedicated to women driven movies. THIS IS AN ANGLE WE INTEND TO USE.

  • Because making profits benefits ALL of us, we will do absolutely everything in our power to get the movie out there. A feature movie is a very ambitious project that necessitates an incredible amount of energy and dedication. Professional filmmakers would not accept to do a low budget movie unless they have faith in the power of its message and want freedom to create something they are very proud of. WE ARE DEDICATED AND WE BELIEVE IN THIS MOVIE.

  • You are interested in investing in The Making Of Me? Write us an E-mail or give us a call. We will be happy to answer all of your questions and / or meet with you for further discussion.